Should You Buy an E-bike Online or In Store?: Pros & Cons(Guide)

By Abhay akkina

Should you buy an e-bike online or in store? E-bikes are a blast, but making the right purchase decision can be tough. I researched the pros and cons of both methods to help you find the perfect e-bike for your adventures!

Key Takeaways

  • Buying an e-bike is a significant investment – research is essential!
  • Both online and in-store purchases have pros and cons.
  • The best decision depends on your individual needs and priorities.

For me, buying an e-bike online is the better option. You’ll often find a wider selection, lower prices, and greater convenience. However, if test rides and expert in-person advice are crucial, then a local bike shop might be the way to go.

Factors to Consider When Buying an E-Bike

Before we dive into the online vs. in-store debate, let’s cover some essential aspects to keep in mind when choosing an e-bike:

1. Type of E-bike

  • Class System: E-bikes are generally categorized into three classes:
    • Class 1: Pedal-assist only, with a top assisted speed of 20 mph.
    • Class 2: Pedal-assist and throttle, with a 20 mph maximum speed.
    • Class 3: Pedal-assist only, reaching up to 28 mph.
  • Styles: E-bikes come in a dazzling variety of styles to suit different needs:
    • Commuter Bikes: Designed for efficient city riding and errands.
    • Mountain Bikes: Built for rugged trails and off-road adventures.
    • Cruiser Bikes: Prioritize comfort and a relaxed riding position.
    • Folding Bikes: Ideal for commuters who need portability and storage ease.
    • Cargo Bikes: Can haul groceries, kids, or even work equipment.

2. Components

  • Motor: The heart of your e-bike. Look for reputable brands like Bosch, Shimano, and Bafang. Power is measured in watts (higher watts = more power), and placement can be mid-drive (optimal balance) or hub-drive (often more affordable).
  • Battery: Determines your range. Capacity is measured in watt-hours (Wh). Aim for at least 400 Wh for decent commutes, more if you plan on longer journeys. Consider battery brand and reputation as well.
  • Brakes: Disc brakes (either hydraulic or mechanical) are a must for e-bikes due to their increased speed and weight.
  • Gears: Opt for a wide range of gears if you live in a hilly area or want to tackle varied terrain.

3. Your Needs

  • Intended Use: Will you use it for commuting, leisure rides, or serious off-roading? This dictates the style and features you’ll need.
  • Experience Level: If you’re a beginner, simpler controls and a less powerful motor might be best. Seasoned cyclists might crave high-end components and more speed.
  • Distance: How far do you typically plan to ride on a single charge? Factor in hills and your chosen assist level when considering battery size.

4. Budget

  • Price Range: E-bikes generally cost between $1,000 and $8,000+, with premium models pushing even higher. Set a realistic budget and factor in potential added costs:
    • Assembly (if buying online)
    • Accessories (helmet, lights, lock, etc.)
    • Ongoing maintenance

Should You Buy an E-bike Online or In Store
Should You Buy an E-bike Online

Advantages of Buying an E-bike Online

Wider Selection

Online retailers carry a vastly broader range of e-bikes compared to most physical stores.

You’ll find more brands, models, styles (mountain, commuter, folding, etc.), and niche options catering to specific needs.

This is especially beneficial if you already have a particular e-bike in mind or have preferences that local shops might not stock.

Often Better Prices

E-bikes bought online often cost less. Online retailers save on rent, staffing, and other overhead costs, often passing those savings on to customers.

You’re also more likely to find sales, promotions, and price comparisons thanks to online competitive marketplaces.


Shopping for an e-bike online is the ultimate in convenience. You can browse, research, and compare models at your leisure, from anywhere with an internet connection.

There’s no travel, no pushy sales tactics, and most online stores operate 24/7, letting you buy on your own schedule.

In-Depth Reviews and Comparisons

When buying online, you have a wealth of resources at your fingertips. Explore user reviews to get a real-world perspective on an e-bike’s performance, reliability, and customer service experiences.

Utilize comparison websites and professional reviews to make informed side-by-side assessments based on specs, features, and price points.

Direct-to-Consumer Savings

Several popular e-bike brands exist exclusively online, practicing a direct-to-consumer model. By cutting out intermediaries, they can offer notably lower prices compared to similar models sold through traditional bike shops.

Also See: Advantages of Tubeless Tires for Ebikes

Should You Buy an E-bike Online or In Store
Should You Buy an E-bike In-Store?

Advantages of Buying an E-bike In-Store

While online shopping offers convenience, there are compelling reasons to purchase your e-bike from a local bike shop:

Test Rides

Nothing replaces the experience of physically trying out an e-bike before you buy:

  • Feel the Fit: Ensure the frame size, handlebar height, and saddle position create a comfortable, efficient ride. This is especially important if you’re between sizes.
  • Experience the Power: Test the different power assist modes and motor responsiveness to see if it matches your riding style and terrain needs.
  • Handling and Maneuverability: Get a real-world sense of how the bike handles corners, responds to braking, and feels on different surfaces (if the shop allows).

Expert Guidance and Personalized Fit

Knowledgeable bike shop staff can provide invaluable advice and support:

  • Matching Your Needs: Discuss your intended use, riding style, and experience level to find the ideal type of e-bike and specific models to consider.
  • Proper Adjustments: A bike shop professional can adjust the seat, handlebars, and other components for optimal comfort and performance, maximizing your riding enjoyment.
  • Accessories and Add-ons: Get recommendations on essential accessories like helmets, lights, locks, and any additional gear to enhance your e-biking adventures.

Professional Assembly and Setup

Most bike shops include professional assembly and initial tuning in the purchase price:

  • Safety and Performance: Ensure your e-bike is correctly assembled, with brakes, gears, and the electrical system fully adjusted for safe and optimal use.
  • Save Time and Hassle: Avoid the potentially frustrating process of at-home assembly, especially if you’re less mechanically inclined.
  • Peace of Mind: Start riding with confidence, knowing your e-bike has been expertly put together.

Local Support: Your Ongoing E-biking Partner

A local bike shop becomes a valuable resource for the lifespan of your e-bike:

  • Warranty Claims: Easily facilitate warranty repairs and replacements if needed, with the shop often handling the process for you.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Access convenient and qualified mechanics for regular tune-ups, troubleshooting, and any repairs that may arise.
  • Community Connection: Many bike shops foster a community of riders, offering group rides, events, and a place to connect with other e-bike enthusiasts.

While in-store prices might sometimes be slightly higher, the value proposition of personalized service, expert support, and long-term benefits often makes it a worthwhile investment for many e-bike buyers.

Challenges of Buying an E-Bike Online

While online shopping offers undeniable benefits, it’s essential to be aware of these potential downsides:

  • Sizing and Fit: The Perfect Fit Can Be Elusive Getting the right e-bike size is crucial for comfort and performance.
    • Online retailers provide sizing charts, but these are not a substitute for the in-person assessment and adjustments you’d get at a bike shop.
    • Choosing the wrong size could lead to discomfort, inefficient riding, and potential safety issues.
  • Returns and Repairs: Potential Hassles and Hidden Costs While many reputable online sellers offer returns, the process can be more complicated than in-store purchases.
    • You might face shipping costs, delays, or restocking fees for returns.
    • Repairs, especially for complex issues, often require shipping the e-bike back, leaving you bikeless for a period.
  • Lack of In-Person Help: DIY Assembly or Added Expenses E-bikes purchased online often arrive partially assembled. While resources like videos and manuals can help, final assembly and tuning can be intimidating for less mechanically-inclined individuals.
    • You may need to factor in the cost of professional assembly at a local shop if you’re uncomfortable doing it yourself.
  • Potential for Scams: Beware of Disreputable Sellers Unfortunately, not all online sellers are created equal. It’s crucial to thoroughly research sellers and brands before purchasing. Look for those with a strong reputation, positive customer reviews on independent sites, and clear contact information.

Important Note: Many of these challenges can be mitigated by carefully choosing reputable online brands or seeking a hybrid approach. Some online e-bike companies partner with local shops for potential support, and many have excellent customer service teams to assist with any questions or issues that arise.

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Challenges of Buying an E-Bike In-Store

  • Limited Selection: While bike shops offer a curated selection of e-bikes, they simply can’t compete with the vast inventory of online retailers. You may not find the specific brand, model, or even color you have your heart set on.
  • Potentially Higher Prices: Shop overheads like rent, staffing, and inventory costs often translate into higher e-bike prices compared to online competitors. Some brands even enforce price parity, meaning in-store prices must match their online equivalents.
  • Potential Sales Pressure: Be prepared for sales tactics, especially in commission-based environments. While some shops offer excellent advice, others might try to upsell you on features or models you don’t actually need.
  • Inflexible Hours: Bike shops operate on specific opening hours. This may inconveniently clash with your work or personal schedule, making it harder to browse and compare e-bikes at your own pace.
  • Less Access to Comparative Info: In-store, you’re primarily reliant on the salesperson and the limited stock for your information. Online, you can easily access in-depth reviews, side-by-side comparisons, and pricing information from multiple sources.

Important Note: These challenges don’t mean in-store purchases are a bad idea! If aspects like test rides and local support outweigh these downsides, a bike shop can be a fantastic buying experience.

Summary of Pros and Cons

Let’s recap the main advantages and disadvantages of online and in-store e-bike shopping with a handy table:

SelectionWider variety of brands and modelsMay have limited stock
PriceOften lower prices, direct-to-consumerPotential markups to cover store costs
ConvenienceShop from home, 24/7 accessRequires travel, limited store hours
ResearchEasy access to reviews and comparisonsMay need to do more independent research
Test RidesNot possibleEssential for feel and fit assessment
Assembly & SetupMay require DIY or additional costOften included in the purchase price
SupportVaries by retailerLocal support for repairs and questions
CommunityLess direct connectionSupporting local bike shops

How to Make the Best Decision

The best way to find your perfect e-bike is a combination of understanding your own priorities and doing thorough research. Here’s how to approach this:

1. Define Your Needs

  • Use Case: How will you use the e-bike? Commuting in the city calls for a different style than off-road adventures. Consider the distance you plan to travel as this affects needed battery range.
  • Experience Level: Are you new to bikes, or a seasoned cyclist? This impacts the level of support you might need with fit, components, and potential maintenance.
  • Budget: E-bikes have a wide price range. Setting a realistic budget early on avoids disappointment and narrows your search.

2. Research

  • Brands and Models: Explore the different types of e-bikes (cruisers, mountain, etc.) and the brands specializing in those styles. Look for reputable companies with good customer reviews.
  • Sellers: Research both online retailers and local bike shops. Compare their reputation, pricing, and after-sales services. Don’t assume in-store is always more expensive!
  • Reviews: User reviews are invaluable. Look for patterns in feedback about performance, customer service, and the longevity of the e-bike.

3. Weighing the Pros and Cons (With Some Numbers)

Refer back to the detailed advantages and disadvantages outlined earlier in the article. Here’s a quick recap with some figures:

  • Online: Often wider selection, potentially better prices (some online brands offer models $500-$1000 cheaper than store equivalents). However, assembly and support might be your responsibility.
  • In-Store: Test rides are invaluable, along with professional help in choosing the right bike. But, there might be less selection and slightly higher prices in some cases.

4. Don’t Rush, But Don’t Wait Forever

Take the time to do your homework. However, e-bike technology is improving rapidly. If you wait too long for the “perfect” new model, you might miss out on the fun!

5. Hybrid Approach

Consider starting your search online for the widest selection. If you find a brand you like, see if they partner with any local dealers. This might allow you a test ride or at least access to local support for your online-bought e-bike.

Important Tip: Always factor in shipping costs when buying online – these can add significantly to the final price.

Tips for Buying an E-Bike Online

  • Utilize Sizing Guides: Meticulously use sizing charts provided by the brand or retailer. Measure yourself and compare to their guidance.
  • Read Reviews Thoroughly: Focus on reviews that mention fit, real-world performance, and the customer service experience.
  • Check Return Policies: Understand the process, time limitations, and any associated costs for potential returns or exchanges.
  • Contact Customer Service: Ask questions before your purchase to assess the company’s responsiveness and helpfulness.
  • Look for Assembly Videos: Many brands and retailers have tutorials to guide you through the DIY assembly process.

Tips for Buying an E-Bike In-Store

  • Visit Multiple Shops: Compare prices, selection, and the level of expertise offered across different local bike shops.
  • Ask Detailed Questions: Be prepared to inquire about the specific components, warranties, after-sales support, and included services.
  • Schedule a Test Ride: If possible, arrange test rides on more than one model to compare the feel and handling of your top picks.
  • Don’t Rush: Avoid feeling pressured to make an immediate decision. Take your time, shop around, and prioritize finding the right e-bike for you.
  • Negotiate the Price: Bike shops often have room for negotiation, especially on older model years or if you’re considering multiple purchases (e-bike + accessories).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a good e-bike for under $1500?

Yes, but you’ll likely need to compromise on some features. Budget e-bikes exist from both online and local sources, but they might have less powerful motors, smaller batteries (shorter range), or more basic components.

What if I need repairs on an e-bike I bought online?

Some online brands offer mobile repair services or partner with local shops. Others require you to ship the e-bike back for repairs. Research this aspect thoroughly before you buy.

How do I know what size e-bike I need?

Use brand specific sizing guides and compare your measurements. If possible, visit a local shop to get professionally measured and test ride bikes in a similar style to your desired e-bike.

Can I negotiate the price at a bike shop?

Absolutely! Especially if you’re considering last year’s models, bundling accessories, or paying cash, bike shops often have flexibility on pricing.

Are there e-bike brands that only sell online?

Yes! Several e-bike brands adopt a direct-to-consumer model, eliminating the middleman and offering potentially lower prices. Examples include Rad Power Bikes, Aventon, Ride1Up, and many others.

Should You Buy an E-bike Online or In Store: Conclusion

The decision of whether to buy an e-bike online or in-store ultimately depends on your individual needs and priorities.

The answer i prefer online because of wide range options to choose.

By carefully researching brands, sellers, the pros and cons outlined here, and by considering your own circumstances, you’ll be empowered to make a confident choice and find the perfect e-bike to start your electric adventures!

Abhay Akkina is a dedicated enthusiast and ebike nerd. While riding his ebike near his home, he noticed the curiosity of others about his ebike and their requests for guidance on solving ebike issues. This inspired him to create this blog to share his knowledge and passion for ebikes with everyone.

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